Whether you’ve already cut the cord yourself or are still debating the move, the stats speak loud 和 clear: streaming services continue to grow while cable TV bundles are rapidly declining (56.1M households will be without paid TV by the end of the year).

Streaming services like Netflix 和 Hulu aren’t the only place to get your content — digital media consumption is growing across a variety of categories. (Spoiler: Netflix’s original content game is probably only going to get stronger in the coming years.) From news sources to user-generated content like Instagram, consumers have more streaming options than ever 和 that’s driving more people to cut the cord.  让我们看看一些流媒体vs. 有线电视统计数据以及这些趋势对你意味着什么.


Cable companies may be slowing down the rate of price hikes in response to widespread cancellations in favor of internet-only packages but cable subscriptions have 价格每年都在上涨. You can still expect those jumps if your subscription started during a promotion--和 Charter just announced another rate increase to their cable/internet bundle that will take place in October--but the competition is getting fierce. 在 80%的有线电视用户 说他们2013年的月账单太高了. 说到...

An average of 187 channels offered through cable TV go unwatched.

的 average cable subscriber only watches 17 out of 200 channels in their cable package. Despite award-winning shows on cable channels, there are only 一天有那么多时间看电视. Sounds like they’d be better off with a Sling subscription…

Only two-thirds of American households still subscribe to pay-TV.

普华永道的一项研究 found that the cord cutting revolution isn’t slowing down anytime soon--和 it’s gaining traction with older audiences as well. 28% of consumers over 50 years old don’t pay for traditional TV service, 61%的人从网上获取电视内容, 两年内上涨了27%以上.

More people subscribe to a streaming service (69%) than pay for cable TV (65%), according to a 德勤的类似研究. 的 top reasons for an internet video service are to gain access to original programming (57%) 和 avoiding advertising (44%). 切断电线并不意味着切断电视直播, as 29% said they use an internet service to access TV broadcasts.

大约有182.5 million people will subscribe to a streaming service this year.

TechCrunch 用158来确认.8 million subscribers, Netflix is still king when it comes to streaming services. For comparison, the second-favorite service, Prime Video, will hit 96.2019年有500万观众. But we’re all waiting with bated-breath to see the kind of splash Disney+ will make in the market.

到2019年底,这一数字将达到40.2 million households will ditch paid TV subscriptions.

引用eMarketer的一份报告 《极速赛车正规官网开奖网址》 estimated that the number of households cutting the cord this year will grow by 19.2%. 到2023年,这一数字可能高达56.100万家庭没有付费电视服务.

Streaming is taking over: Netflix use has surpassed the combined satellite 和 cable TV use.

Yes, that means that Netflix was binged more than both satellite 和 cable TV. This is the first time Netflix has reached this milestone. On behalf of internet-only service providers: you’re welcome, Netflix.

的 number of people watching content on streaming platforms is only increasing. In 2018, 147.5 million Americans watched Netflix at least once per month. 而亚马逊Prime会员则获得了88分.每月700万, 各种 他引用了eMarketer的估计.105 million households streamed at least one episode of 《女子监狱, 这使得它成为Netflix最受欢迎的原创节目 服务确认. NBD.

的 streaming content machines are just gaining speed. Netflix is estimated to spend $15 billion on original content in 2019. Yes, that’s billion with a “B” — substantially more than the $12.他们在2018年花费了40亿美元. 各种 notes that this increase (which is predicted to be even 更高的 in 2020) is an effort to fight the growing list of competitors, such as Disney 和 NBCUniversal. 的 newcomers are reclaiming some of their owned content (ahem, 办公室极速赛车正规官网开奖网址) 和 have big plans for shiny new offerings (eyes are on you, Marvel).

75% of adults get their news from at least one social media platform.

的 way we interact with media is drastically changing 和 it’s not just because people are cancelling their cable subscriptions. While nightly news broadcasts used to be essential to keep up with the happenings of the world, we now have plenty of ways to get the latest breaking news. 的 美国新闻学会’s 2017 findings cite Facebook as the most popular social media site for news — noting that 6 out of 10 adults have received news from the platform.

的 social media giant owned by Google connects with more 18- to 34-year-old Americans than any given TV network. (Hootsuite also noted that that stat is based on mobile views 和 doesn’t account for browsers.)

Gen Zers use of YouTube, Snapchat 和 Instagram is only increasing.

2018年,他们仅YouTube的使用量就增长了59%. This generation is also the largest conglomerate of “cord nevers” or people who have never paid for cable TV.

对不断增长的账单和费用的抵制, 随着需求的简单, 快, 纯极速赛车正规官网开奖网址计划推动了对星空的需求. We’re here to help people escape from terrible customer service 和  mysteriously large monthly bills by connecting them to a next-generation network 和 awesome home WiFi,  没有不必要的, 昂贵的包.

切断电线并不意味着拔掉插头. 把它看作是释放你选择的力量. Not sure how to keep watching your favorite shows (和 discover new ones) if you ditch cable? 我们会帮你的.

